Music composition and sound design:
- Le son au bout des doigts, music composition for interactive sound installations for the youth public at Centre G. Pompidou, command of IRCAM, in collaboration with Emmanuelle Lizère. Ircam team, User Studio, Macfarlane, Lab212.
Interactive programming for scenic works:
- Arbraçada, by Àngels Margarit and Núria Font, interactive dance, first work of the Interactive dance Laboratory. IDN Festival, Barcelona, 2007.
Composition of sound spaces and music for theatre:
- Stereo, by Carles Mallol, Teatre Tantarantana 2009 (Barcelona)
- Seguretat, by Carles Mallol, Versus Teatre 2008 (Barcelona)
- Molta Aigua, by Carles Mallol, Sala Beckett 2007 (Barcelona)
- Tres vint-i-set, y Carles Mallol, Àrea Tangent 2007 / Versus Teatre 2007 (Barcelona)
- El Factor Luxemburg, by Pere Rierea, Teatre Lliure 2007 (Barcelona)
- Celobert, y Carles Mallol, Institut del Teatre 2006 (Barcelona)
Interaction programming for interactive installation:
- Mur.Muros, by Konic Thr (SP)
Hands-on training at "La Kitchen" with Thierry Coduys (Paris), collaborating with :
Sound design for the installation:
- Selfworld Project à Festival Emergences05, Paris (FR)
Collaboration with composer for electroacoustic sequence of:
- Pascal Dusapin for the electronics of the opera "Faustus"